Mayan Day Sign: 5 Akbal

This is the fifth day in the trecena that started with 1 Kawak (storm). The number 5 symbolizes a creative surge that arises from within, connecting your consciousness to Earth.

Akbal is dawn: the first rays of the Sun that emerge at the horizon, seeding the new day with possibility.

This is a day to spend in contemplation, connecting with your inner wisdom. The greatest adventure on this Earth is the path traveled through your own consciousness to the seat of inner knowing.

Sabian Symbol: Scorpio 20

Each day, the sun moves one degree forward in the zodiac, aligning with a new sabian symbol associated with that degree. Today, the sun is at 20 degrees of Scorpio, and the image for the day is:

“A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway”

The sacred pathway has been revealed. The feminine aspect of self draws the curtains, protecting the ego centered consciousness from the call that lies beyond those doors. Do you hear the call that comes from beyond that threshold? Do you follow down the pathway to inner knowing?

To integrate wisdom is to accept and transform the shadow of one’s self. Are you ready to face the shadows the live beyond those dark curtains, awaiting your conscious acknowledgement?

Astrology Transit: Venus Semisextile Pluto

A semisextile between two celestial bodies represents the opportunity for synthesis. The two planets in a semisextile are 30 degrees apart, and sit in adjacent signs. Adjacent signs are always of different elements, and therefore, different expressions. With an exact semisextile, these two energies may be synthesized, with effort.

The two celestial bodies in a semisextile today are Venus and Pluto.

Venus is in Sagittarius, the sign of the seeker. Venus in Sagittarius is searching for the best expression of love, traveling through experiences and time to identify the exalted expression of unity.

Pluto is in its last stage of Capricorn, having traveled through the sign for last 16 years, and very near the end of its run, leaving Capricorn in 8 days. Pluto in Capricorn represents the transformation of power structures, hierarchies, and institutions that enshrine and protect the status quo.

This journey has brought us the collapse of the financial system in the United States, many worldwide political movements in response to the decimation of the earth and its people, a worldwide pandemic that threatened the power of the states to maintain order, and the rise of fascism around the globe.

This is one of the last connections Pluto will make with another celestial body while it is in the sign of Capricorn.

The desire to seek the truth, the core motivation in the sign of Sagittarius, can today be channeled into an inner seeking for your personal truth and your clearest expression of self within these times of deep structural transformation. What part do you play in the hierarchical structures that enshrine power? How is your energy best expressed when these structures respond to stress by doubling down on shadow expressions of power?